Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The real price of Zionist "humanitarian assistance"

Every time a disaster strikes in a new area, leaving in its wake hundreds of thousands of bodies and millions of helpless victims, the zionist regime is one of the first on the scene with its, seemingly humane and selfless offer of help. It is a matter of record that the jews are usually first to deploy their field hospitals in the center of disaster zone or close to it. Look at the latest earthquake in Haiti and its aftermath - even the Arab press is full of adulation.

"Israeli and Jewish groups continue their efforts to provide relief to the people of Haiti. On Jan. 15, the Israel Defense Forces emergency aid team arrived in Haiti, consisting of a medical mission and search and rescue teams. "

But the jewish skill in deploying their "field hospitals" should by rights trigger some questions. How come they are so willing to lend a hand when their own citizens are starving and lack the basic medical treatment? How come a "country" which is chiseling 6 billion USD every year out of American taxpayer is so generous in its help to others? How come it is the IOF (Isreali Occupation Force) that is providing its trained personnel and equipment?

These and other troubling questions are easy to answer, if you are looking at the right direction and are able to penetrate the thick smokescreen of zionist propaganda (Hasbarah as they call it). The real gory secret of the "humanitarian" zionist assistance becomes simple, if you look at the roots. And if you are clear-eyed enough to see the multi-billion business of human parts trafficking and the sinister organization behind it.

Of course, it is a matter of record that IOF thugs are kidnapping Palestinian kids and youngsters and passing them to the IOF surgeons (butchers), who kill and dismember them in cold blood. The harvested organs are passed to the zionist masters who needs a transplant of this or another organ, the rest is sold on the grey market or offered as a favor (and a bribe) to their "friends". We all know only too well what is done with the blood of the victims...

But the opportunities of organ harvesting in the occupied Palestine are limited, and the zionists have discovered some years ago that the best and easiest way to gather unwitting donors is in places where disaster struck. No one counts the victims in Haiti, where mass burials with trucks hauling hundreds of bodies are a matter of daily routine. No one will cry wolf when another ten or twenty bodies are added to the daily haul.

Once or twice a week a cargo plane with the zionist entity markings is landing near the scene of disaster, ostensibly bringing desperately needed supplies. In the chaos and lack of governing of Haiti (or any other area of a catastrophe) no one will payattention to a van or two delivering some coolers with refrigerated contents to the plan during the night. And when the plane lifts off to go back to the "motherland", its awful cargo is sure to reach the market in a few hours.

And then the zionist masters brag about their humanitarian effort and their generosity...

It is remarkable that in their khutzpa zionists even offered their "assistance" to Iranian people after a earthquake. Thankfully Iranian government knew better than accept.

And we haven't yet discussed the mighty suspicious regularity the catastrophic events occur in different parts of the world. Watch this blog for more grim news...

Update: Watch this:

While it is a person of color who got to the truth, nonetheless it's a first. I hope many more shall follow.


  1. People like you give the Jews a good name.

    The fact that you had to resort to making up a story to justify you hate for Jews, ironically shows how good they are. If someone as angry as you coudn't find anything true to pin your libel on them, they must have a pretty good record.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. What a joke you are! lol! And please continue to keep the humanitarian work of the Israelis in the news - you're doing more for the good name of Israel than any Jew could. Thanks!

  3. Oh, man! What a great piece of work. "Once or twice a week" a cargo plane and all of those organs are just kept in the fridge with the days' sandwiches until take-off.

    Great story and please keep 'm coming. It's days like these when one needs a good laugh...

  4. You are really sick! You need help.

  5. But thanks so much for the link to that article on the Arab web site!!

  6. You are 33? Seriously?? I was sure this was written by a teenager.

  7. How does it feel to be a bold faced liar? You really ought to publish this as a great piece of fiction!

  8. Do not eat in the fast-foods. The americans are sending some thousand troops to Haiti only because they need harvest fresh meat for their burgers!

  9. The old blood-libel surfaces again. If you check your sources you'll find that this is a story that started centuries before you were born. Have a look at http://xrl.us/bgtdsd

  10. I also heard that after they dismember the Haitians and take their organs, they sometimes chew them just to enjoy the taste of blood. Oh, and ALL Israelis sleep in coffins. Yes, Israelis are vampires, and not the cool kind. Whoever wrote this article is sick in the head.

  11. Bravo, a well reasoned article. I hope next time you hug your mom, someone writes a story about how it was only to get a bigger cut of the inheritance. And next time you give to charity, people publically speculate that it's just for the tax break. I'd think that, after reading many of these articles written about yourself, even YOU might agree that the author seems to be harboring quite a bit of hate toward you be able to conjure such awful stories from favorable actions.

  12. From reading the crap you have written elsewhere in your B.L.O.G. (which in your case stands for Bullshit, Libel, Obfuscation and Garbage) I imagine that you are one of those who subscribes to the conspiracy theories that the Holocaust never happened, that AIDS was engineered by America to depopulate the African continent, and that the 1969 moon landing was faked. Just one question: if you are so incensed at the relief that Israel is offering in Haiti, why are YOU not in Haiti lending a hand?

  13. To David,
    I was mocking him. Never knew people from Jerusalem can't recognize sarcasm. Of course I think he is saying crap, and you have no right to attack anyone.

  14. To David,
    You need to learn to read. Mohammed wrote the best mocking response to this insane and delusional article. If I were you I would apologize and promise to read thoroughly in the future. In any case, it is not good form to flame people like this. It does not add to the good karma in the world.
    I look forward to reading your apology here.
    Rafael from Toronto.

  15. Maybe Israel owns the international rights to provide the world with "Soylent Green". Go see the movie if you don't understand the reference

  16. Hi
    1st may I second Rafael's rebuke of David?

    This appears to be the latest episode in the misuse of the Internet. As such it is is more dangerous and evil than anything that has gone before.

    A CNN report about the harvesting of Corneas? Did anyone see it?

    I assume the writer would call himself a Christian....

    I feel physically sick.

    David in London aka Daoud in London.

  17. "And we haven't yet discussed the mighty suspicious regularity the catastrophic events occur in different parts of the world."

    He's caught on! Somehow he found out about the Zionist earthquake generator! He must be silenced before this secret is revealed to the public at large!

  18. Mohammed,
    i completely enjoyed your mocking of this article. This david guy obviously cannot read, and only gives us jews a bad name in the world. very nice comment anyhow mohammed.

  19. to Alex and Rafael,
    Thank you.
    David did not give jews a bad name, he gave himself a bad name! Jews have an awesome sense of humor. But you know, they steal organs. I guess no one is perfect eh?

  20. Brilliant article! You're right on the mark.

    I'd write more, but it's lunchtime and I'm famished. I'm going out to get myself a quick Haitian-baby-burger, and maybe some blood of Christian children to wash it down with.

    After that, I've got my weekly meeting at the local branch of the International Zionist Conspiracy. (We're looking for some good wells to poison.)

    Keep up the good work!

  21. Funny stuff... Well, I am a Canadian living in Israel and I am pretty sure you are being a little paranoid there. I work in the medical field at one the many reputable Universities in Israel and I am quite sure that we also face problems related to organ donation deficits. So, I am not sure if your theory is founded. I think the reason the Israelis are in Haiti is because they know what it feels like to lose; homes, loved ones, even dignity in the face of despair. I believe they are empathizing on the deepest level that they can: by putting themselves in the shoes of the Haitian people. Anytime you see someone helping another selflessly, you should applaud them, not try to come up with reasons 'why' they are helping. There is no point to doing that. Think about it.

  22. You can always count on the yammering yids to squirm out of the woodwork when their psychopathic behaviour is exposed. This vile life-form is capable of any imaginable evil. They are responsible for more human suffering and death and cultural and environmental destruction than all people on the planet combined. These demonic creatures only appear human but utterly lack human mercy and compassion. What they did in Russia and Germany and are doing in Palestine they will do in the US and all the other countries they control. Genocide, torture, slavery and corruption are as kosher as bagels.
